A Monday morning pep talk for anyone who needs a reminder of just how important the arts are when it comes to our health and wellbeing.
Unscripted, spontaneous - in keeping with my current ethos of progress over perfection, this audio is rough and ready, and comes with a few coughs courtesy of my latest lurgy.
Sadly, the auto editing software is no longer free to use because I made the newbie error of going over the 10 minute mark, so please do let me know if you have a recommendation!
Margaret Soraya - Margaret is an incredible landscape photographer who runs the Creative Light annual retreat in the Scottish Highlands. If you’d like to hear us in conversation about cultivating creative self-belief, you can listen to an episode we recorded for her podcast in April.
Your Brain On Art - I am loving dipping in and out of this gorgeous book on neuro aesthetics by Ivy Ross and Susan Magsamen. This is where the incredible new research insights I mention come from - any errors will be my memory, not theirs.
Thank you for listening! As mentioned in this episode, I have some additional bills to pay this season (ugh!) so am extra grateful to those of you who are able to support my creative work via a paid subscription. And if that’s not an option right now, you are still so very welcome here.
I’d love to know, what’s been sparking creative joy for you lately?
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